
Canadian Pork Excellence Program (PigSAFE | PigCARE) Site Manager Training

(PigSAFE | PigCARE) Site Manager Training can be done either online or in-person.

Please note: Prior to contacting your validator, please ensure that your mandatory Records and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are in place. CPC has prepared a PS|PC Producer Document Checklist that summarizes all the mandatory elements of the PigSAFE | PigCARE Programs. For a copy of the checklist or for assistance in getting set up, please contact Karolina Steínerová at 306-343-3502 or  Contact your validator to complete your first CPE validation.

Reminder: deadlines for PigSAFE | PigCARE (PS|PC) programs

With the implementation deadline extended to January 2024, sites that have not yet joined the CPE program can complete full validations on the CQA program for their 2022 validations. These farms must, however, do a Full PS|PC Validation for their 2023 validation.

Graduate Studies

Prairie Swine Centre Inc. - Saskatoon, SK
The Prairie Swine Centre Inc. (PSCI), in association with the Department of Animal and Poultry science and Agriculture Engineering at University of Saskatchewan, offers exciting opportunities in graduate studies at both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. Co-incident with a strong traditional academic program, students also learn about Canada’s pork industry, thus preparing them for exciting careers in research, teaching, industry-related positions or further professional studies. Currently, the job market is extremely strong for students with advanced training in swine nutrition.

Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness Training for Employees Working in the Swine, Dairy, and Manure Transportation Industries

Prairie Swine Centre Inc. - Saskatoon, SK
Prairie Swine Centre offers Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness, a 4 hour ON-LINE Training Workshop for anyone working in an intensive livestock operation or anyone involved with the handling of liquid manure.  The benefits of participating in the workshop include improved workplace safety through increased awareness of hydrogen sulphide, knowledge on the latest information regarding strategies to reduce hydrogen sulphide exposure, and the opportunity to share H2S related experiences that may help save lives.

Meat Processing Certificate

Olds College, AB
The Olds College Meat Processing certificate is unique in North America packing the whole process stream from slaughter to retail into 15 weeks. Where big plants once dominated the industry, the revival of the art is back; teaching hands-on practical technique and science for the highest premium quality cuts. As a successful graduate you will gain the experience needed to start your own entrepreneurial business venture or take your skills to Canada’s third largest industry.

Winter: January Start       Spring: May Start    Fall: September Start

Class 1A Truck Driver Training

  • Maximum Training   Saskatoon and Regina. Maximum Training’s mission is to help provide quality drivers in the industry.

  • Class 1A Saskatoon. Established in 1984, Class 1A has over 31 years serving and educating in and around Saskatoon. They are fully recognized and certified by SGI, the Highway Traffic Board, the Government of Saskatchewan and the Government of Canada as an educational institution, providing tax-free and tax-deductible training and tuition. Other programs offered by Class 1A: TDG, WHMS, H2S Alive, Confined Space Entry, First Aid and CPR, PDIC, AED, GODI, Worker Fall Protection, Ground Distrurbance, Fire Extinguisher Safety and Forklift Safety.

  • Saskatchewan Trucking Association  View the training calendar. The Saskatchewan Trucking Association offers a variety of industry training at their facilities in Regina and in the offices of their customers.

Trucker Quality Assurance (TQA) Program

Sask Pork is licensed to deliver the TQA® program to Saskatchewan livestock transporters. More than 700 haulers and transporters in the province have benefited from the additional training and are certified under the Trucker Quality Assurance (TQA) program.

More information is available at

Certified Livestock Transport Training (CLT)

The Certified Livestock Transport (CLT) Training Program is a comprehensive training course and support service for livestock truckers, shippers and receivers in Saskatchewan and Alberta. This program offers modules that relate to cattle, poultry, hogs, sheep and horses.

More information is available at