Economic Impact
This report has been prepared by Serecon Inc. for the Saskatchewan Pork Development Board. It provides a detailed sector overview and outlines the economic impact of Saskatchewan’s pork sector on GDP, jobs, labour income and tax revenue at both the provincial and national levels. The economic impact of the pork sector is clearly demonstrated through the findings in this report.
Hog Production Statistics
National Marketings | National Breeding Herd | National Farms Reporting Pigs | National Live Exports | National Slaughter | Sask Inventory | Sask Hog Prices - Monthly | Sask Hog Prices - Annual | Sask Feed Prices - Annual | Sask Marketings (levy)
YEAR | BC | ALTA | SASK | MAN | West | ONT | QUE | ATL | East | Canada |
1984 | 387.3 | 2,030.8 | 812.0 | 1,608.7 | 4,838.8 | 5,109.5 | 4,794.1 | 685.3 | 10,588.9 | 15,232.5 |
1985 | 398.8 | 2,153.8 | 844.4 | 1,797.0 | 5,194.0 | 5,126.7 | 4,812.4 | 654.9 | 10,594.0 | 15,604.4 |
1986 | 370.8 | 2,011.8 | 768.9 | 1,760.7 | 4,912.2 | 4,898.1 | 4,661.1 | 622.0 | 10,181.2 | 14,900.9 |
1987 | 351.3 | 2,126.0 | 846.8 | 1,840.5 | 5,164.6 | 4,955.9 | 4,616.1 | 630.7 | 10,202.7 | 15,162.2 |
1988 | 401.5 | 2,397.8 | 1,054.1 | 2,124.2 | 5,977.6 | 5,130.3 | 4,739.0 | 646.0 | 10,515.3 | 16,306.8 |
1989 | 412.4 | 2,481.7 | 1,113.8 | 2,302.4 | 6,310.3 | 4,848.0 | 4,831.4 | 647.2 | 10,326.6 | 16,445.7 |
1990 | 401.2 | 2,429.7 | 1,005.6 | 2,101.2 | 5,937.7 | 4,478.0 | 4,709.7 | 587.6 | 9,775.3 | 15,574.6 |
1991 | 380.1 | 2,384.1 | 1,127.4 | 2,217.7 | 6,109.3 | 4,268.2 | 4,616.1 | 559.7 | 9,444.0 | 15,389.0 |
1992 | 358.4 | 2,629.6 | 1,232.9 | 2,353.1 | 6,574.0 | 4,533.2 | 4,703.2 | 553.5 | 9,789.9 | 16,140.2 |
1993 | 343.3 | 2,574.7 | 1,190.1 | 2,460.7 | 6,568.8 | 4,360.5 | 4,807.0 | 513.1 | 9,680.6 | 16,041.4 |
1994 | 370.6 | 2,633.0 | 1,228.4 | 2,576.0 | 6,808.0 | 4,378.5 | 4,859.0 | 520.6 | 9,758.1 | 16,391.1 |
1995 | 355.6 | 2,847.1 | 1,291.0 | 2,764.2 | 7,257.9 | 4,656.1 | 5,073.6 | 528.0 | 10,257.7 | 17,515.6 |
1996 | 333.0 | 2,700.7 | 1,255.8 | 3,067.4 | 7,356.9 | 4,660.1 | 5,395.9 | 543.3 | 10,599.3 | 17,956.2 |
1997 | 325.7 | 2,617.4 | 1,304.0 | 3,085.5 | 7,332.6 | 4,844.3 | 5,628.6 | 549.0 | 11,021.9 | 18,354.5 |
1998 | 360.7 | 2,815.1 | 1,512.0 | 3,872.1 | 8,559.9 | 5,682.9 | 6,192.5 | 600.5 | 12,475.9 | 21,035.8 |
1999 | 345.0 | 3,119.1 | 1,482.6 | 4,883.3 | 9,830.0 | 5,923.4 | 6,713.7 | 614.1 | 13,251.2 | 23,081.2 |
2000 | 339.7 | 3,339.5 | 1,608.9 | 5,189.5 | 10,477.6 | 6,148.6 | 6,787.4 | 622.3 | 13,558.3 | 24,035.9 |
2001 | 317.6 | 3,608.9 | 1,626.0 | 5,966.5 | 11,519.0 | 6,825.3 | 7,018.7 | 678.9 | 14,522.9 | 26,041.9 |
2002 | 315.9 | 3,561.6 | 2,090.1 | 6,448.6 | 12,416.2 | 7,452.4 | 7,334.7 | 666.0 | 15,453.1 | 27,869.3 |
2003 | 341.5 | 3,509.8 | 2,271.2 | 7,338.6 | 13,461.1 | 8,313.3 | 7,475.0 | 633.3 | 16,421.6 | 29,882.7 |
2004 | 337.7 | 3,699.4 | 2,415.9 | 8,108.0 | 14,561.0 | 8,634.3 | 7,568.9 | 615.8 | 16,819.0 | 31,380.0 |
2005 | 338.6 | 3,796.5 | 2,458.7 | 8,555.6 | 15,149.4 | 7,539.9 | 7,249.5 | 595.3 | 15,384.7 | 30,534.1 |
2006 | 328.3 | 3,848.7 | 2,605.4 | 8,754.6 | 15,537.0 | 7,399.5 | 7,059.7 | 569.2 | 15,028.4 | 30,565.4 |
2007 | 336.3 | 3,748.1 | 2,849.1 | 9,160.8 | 16,094.3 | 7,396.3 | 7,163.7 | 576.6 | 15,136.6 | 31,230.9 |
2008 | 325.8 | 3,530.8 | 2,907.6 | 8,789.4 | 15,553.6 | 7,631.8 | 7,313.0 | 562.5 | 15,507.3 | 31,060.9 |
2009 | 288.2 | 3,052.8 | 1,978.4 | 8,270.1 | 13,589.5 | 6,768.2 | 7,389.4 | 431.9 | 14,589.5 | 28,179.0 |
2010 | 231.7 | 2,996.3 | 1,985.3 | 7,746.1 | 12,959.4 | 6,401.7 | 7,291.0 | 401.7 | 14,094.4 | 27,053.8 |
2011 | 182.9 | 3,010.3 | 2,113.9 | 7,891.3 | 13,198.4 | 6,515.3 | 6,926.0 | 440.4 | 13,881.7 | 27,080.1 |
2012 | 185.8 | 3,007.5 | 2,173.3 | 7,998.0 | 13,364.6 | 6,582.8 | 6,588.9 | 420.7 | 13,592.4 | 26,957.0 |
2013 | 187.1 | 2,867.1 | 2,097.2 | 7,239.8 | 12,391.2 | 6,566.7 | 6,328.9 | 417.4 | 13,313.0 | 25,704.2 |
2014 | 185.3 | 2,755.2 | 1,993.1 | 7,319.7 | 12,253.3 | 6,630.3 | 6,169.5 | 399.5 | 13,199.3 | 25,452.6 |
2015 | 191.6 | 2,905.8 | 2,196.9 | 7,859.3 | 13,153.6 | 7,091.8 | 6,505.8 | 367.2 | 13,964.8 | 27,118.4 |
2016 | 194.3 | 2,947.4 | 2,221.3 | 7,805.5 | 13,168.5 | 7,007.6 | 6,588.8 | 325.4 | 13,921.8 | 27,090.3 |
2017 | 183.0 | 2,921.7 | 2,335.1 | 7,895.7 | 13,335.5 | 7,112.5 | 6,580.1 | 339.7 | 14,032.3 | 27,367.8 |
2018 | 195.2 | 2745.6 | 2,301.8 | 7,729.9 | 12,972.5 | 7,047.4 | 6,499.9 | 340.6 | 13,887.9 | 26,860.4 |
2019 | 186.4 | 2759.3 | 2312.4 | 7764.1 | 13,022.2 | 7054.7 | 6540.9 | 331.6 | 13,927.2 | 26,949.4 |
2020 | 189.1 | 2916.3 | 2498.9 | 8258.6 | 13,862.9 | 7252.2 | 6597.1 | 311.0 | 14160.3 | 28023.2 |
2021 | 153.1 | 3,048.7 | 2,464.7 | 8,286.9 | 13,953.4 | 7,588.3 | 6,775.6 | 330.7 | 14,694.6 | 28,648.0 |
2022 | 122.2 | 2,895.7 | 2,585.0 | 7,893.7 | 13,496.6 | 7,516.8 | 6,979.8 | 307.7 | 14,804.3 | 28,300.9 |
Source: 1984-1994: Canadian Pork Council, 1995-present: Calculated By Sask Pork, Input data from Statistics Canada CANSIM Table 003-0102
Calculation: Slaughter plus international and interprovincial exports, less international and interprovincial imports, Includes: Market Hogs, Culled Sows, Weanlings and Feeders