Economic Impact

This report has been prepared by Serecon Inc. for the Saskatchewan Pork Development Board. It provides a detailed sector overview and outlines the economic impact of Saskatchewan’s pork sector on GDP, jobs, labour income and tax revenue at both the provincial and national levels. The economic impact of the pork sector is clearly demonstrated through the findings in this report.

Hogs Marketed in Canada by Province ('000 head)
1984 387.3 2,030.8 812.0 1,608.7 4,838.8 5,109.5 4,794.1 685.3 10,588.9 15,232.5
1985 398.8 2,153.8 844.4 1,797.0 5,194.0 5,126.7 4,812.4 654.9 10,594.0 15,604.4
1986 370.8 2,011.8 768.9 1,760.7 4,912.2 4,898.1 4,661.1 622.0 10,181.2 14,900.9
1987 351.3 2,126.0 846.8 1,840.5 5,164.6 4,955.9 4,616.1 630.7 10,202.7 15,162.2
1988 401.5 2,397.8 1,054.1 2,124.2 5,977.6 5,130.3 4,739.0 646.0 10,515.3 16,306.8
1989 412.4 2,481.7 1,113.8 2,302.4 6,310.3 4,848.0 4,831.4 647.2 10,326.6 16,445.7
1990 401.2 2,429.7 1,005.6 2,101.2 5,937.7 4,478.0 4,709.7 587.6 9,775.3 15,574.6
1991 380.1 2,384.1 1,127.4 2,217.7 6,109.3 4,268.2 4,616.1 559.7 9,444.0 15,389.0
1992 358.4 2,629.6 1,232.9 2,353.1 6,574.0 4,533.2 4,703.2 553.5 9,789.9 16,140.2
1993 343.3 2,574.7 1,190.1 2,460.7 6,568.8 4,360.5 4,807.0 513.1 9,680.6 16,041.4
1994 370.6 2,633.0 1,228.4 2,576.0 6,808.0 4,378.5 4,859.0 520.6 9,758.1 16,391.1
1995 355.6 2,847.1 1,291.0 2,764.2 7,257.9 4,656.1 5,073.6 528.0 10,257.7 17,515.6
1996 333.0 2,700.7 1,255.8 3,067.4 7,356.9 4,660.1 5,395.9 543.3 10,599.3 17,956.2
1997 325.7 2,617.4 1,304.0 3,085.5 7,332.6 4,844.3 5,628.6 549.0 11,021.9 18,354.5
1998 360.7 2,815.1 1,512.0 3,872.1 8,559.9 5,682.9 6,192.5 600.5 12,475.9 21,035.8
1999 345.0 3,119.1 1,482.6 4,883.3 9,830.0 5,923.4 6,713.7 614.1 13,251.2 23,081.2
2000 339.7 3,339.5 1,608.9 5,189.5 10,477.6 6,148.6 6,787.4 622.3 13,558.3 24,035.9
2001 317.6 3,608.9 1,626.0 5,966.5 11,519.0 6,825.3 7,018.7 678.9 14,522.9 26,041.9
2002 315.9 3,561.6 2,090.1 6,448.6 12,416.2 7,452.4 7,334.7 666.0 15,453.1 27,869.3
2003 341.5 3,509.8 2,271.2 7,338.6 13,461.1 8,313.3 7,475.0 633.3 16,421.6 29,882.7
2004 337.7 3,699.4 2,415.9 8,108.0 14,561.0 8,634.3 7,568.9 615.8 16,819.0 31,380.0
2005 338.6 3,796.5 2,458.7 8,555.6 15,149.4 7,539.9 7,249.5 595.3 15,384.7 30,534.1
2006 328.3 3,848.7 2,605.4 8,754.6 15,537.0 7,399.5 7,059.7 569.2 15,028.4 30,565.4
2007 336.3 3,748.1 2,849.1 9,160.8 16,094.3 7,396.3 7,163.7 576.6 15,136.6 31,230.9
2008 325.8 3,530.8 2,907.6 8,789.4 15,553.6 7,631.8 7,313.0 562.5 15,507.3 31,060.9
2009 288.2 3,052.8 1,978.4 8,270.1 13,589.5 6,768.2 7,389.4 431.9 14,589.5 28,179.0
2010 231.7 2,996.3 1,985.3 7,746.1 12,959.4 6,401.7 7,291.0 401.7 14,094.4 27,053.8
2011 182.9 3,010.3 2,113.9 7,891.3 13,198.4 6,515.3 6,926.0 440.4 13,881.7 27,080.1
2012 185.8 3,007.5 2,173.3 7,998.0 13,364.6 6,582.8 6,588.9 420.7 13,592.4 26,957.0
2013 187.1 2,867.1 2,097.2 7,239.8 12,391.2 6,566.7 6,328.9 417.4 13,313.0 25,704.2
2014 185.3 2,755.2 1,993.1 7,319.7 12,253.3 6,630.3 6,169.5 399.5 13,199.3 25,452.6
2015 191.6 2,905.8 2,196.9 7,859.3 13,153.6 7,091.8 6,505.8 367.2 13,964.8 27,118.4
2016 194.3 2,947.4 2,221.3 7,805.5 13,168.5 7,007.6 6,588.8 325.4 13,921.8 27,090.3
2017 183.0 2,921.7 2,335.1 7,895.7 13,335.5 7,112.5 6,580.1 339.7 14,032.3 27,367.8
2018 195.2 2745.6 2,301.8 7,729.9 12,972.5 7,047.4 6,499.9 340.6 13,887.9 26,860.4
2019 186.4 2759.3 2312.4 7764.1 13,022.2 7054.7 6540.9 331.6 13,927.2 26,949.4
2020 189.1 2916.3 2498.9 8258.6 13,862.9 7252.2 6597.1 311.0 14160.3 28023.2
2021 153.1 3,048.7 2,464.7 8,286.9 13,953.4 7,588.3 6,775.6 330.7 14,694.6 28,648.0
2022 122.2 2,895.7 2,585.0 7,893.7 13,496.6 7,516.8 6,979.8 307.7 14,804.3 28,300.9

Source: 1984-1994: Canadian Pork Council, 1995-present: Calculated By Sask Pork, Input data from Statistics Canada CANSIM Table 003-0102

Calculation: Slaughter plus international and interprovincial exports, less international and interprovincial imports, Includes: Market Hogs, Culled Sows, Weanlings and Feeders